Pitching big SEO projects internally

Gus Pelogia, SEO Product Manager at Indeed, delves into SEO product management and internal project pitching. Pitching big SEO projects internally as an SEO product manager requires a strategic approach to gain buy-in from various stakeholders. The key is to start with a solid product requirements document (PRD) that clearly communicates why the project matters and how it aligns with the business' goals. Today, Gus discusses pitching big SEO projects internally.
About the speaker

Gus Pelogia


 - Indeed

Gus is SEO Product Manager at Indeed

Show Notes

  • 02:22
    Creating SEO projects as a product manager
    While other SEO roles are concerned with getting tickets completed, the SEO product manager role is concerned with what is going to actually have an impact to make traffic grow. Everything starts with a PRD, and proof of impact is essential in this role.
  • 05:20
    Proving SEO project impact with A B testing
    Understanding business objectives is crucial for SEO projects. It involves creating a PRD to convince stakeholders, ideally with measurable hypotheses. Proving impact through SEO A/B testing is vital, ensuring results are attributable to your efforts and not external factors.
  • 10:18
    Setting up attribution for SEO project impact
    Effective attribution starts with a well-structured PRD, where careful planning helps ensure successful tracking of SEO impact. Selecting the right test group and pages for the types of tasks you want to do are crucial for accurate measurement.
  • 13:26
    Prioritizing SEO tasks by impact
    Effective SEO project management involves recognizing when to prioritize certain tasks over others. Sometimes it's strategic to hold off on addressing lower-impact issues until higher-impact tasks have been addressed to avoid adding unnecessary noise.
  • 15:15
    Essential elements for a product requirement document PRD
    A comprehensive PRD includes background for context, opportunity details with impact metrics, MVP definition, technical considerations, an open-ended questions section, project timeline, and documentation resources for reference.


  • "In SEO, we say that everything depends, and it's difficult to measure the specific impact of things that you're doing. But as a PM, if you cannot prove the impact it's like you never did anything." - Gus Pelogia

  • "As an SEO PM, you always start with an idea. So you're going to do your discovery and come up with what are the things that we can do to have an impact to make your traffic grow." - Gus Pelogia

  • "Sometimes website traffic is going up and it's not because of the thing that you did. Unless you can prove that incremental impact, youre not going to get resources to get more stuff done." - Gus Pelogia

  • "When the time is right, and weve completed the biggest things we wanted to do, then we can add those nice to have or those lower impact tasks or activities to get done." - Gus Pelogia

  • "Within your PRD, have a section for open questions. I promise people will have a lot of questions about it. Even things that you think are obvious arent obvious for other people." - Gus Pelogia

About the speaker

Gus Pelogia


 - Indeed

Gus is SEO Product Manager at Indeed

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