How to do SEO for startups — Jeremy Moser // uSERP

Jeremy Moser, CEO of uSERP, talks about SEO strategies for startups. For SEO beginners in the startup world, there is a common misconception that driving meaningful traffic to their websites will require a significant amount of time. However, the timeline is often shorter than anticipated when a strategic approach is taken. Today, Jeremy discusses how to do SEO for startups.
About the speaker

Jeremy Moser


 is a little camera shy

Jeremy is CEO of uSERP

Show Notes

  • 02:36
    How to unlock SEO success as a startup
    The success of SEO for startups depends on factors like available resources and the willingness to wait for results. By focusing on a niche market and targeting specific topics, startups can compete and succeed against larger, established competitors.
  • 05:01
    Leveraging paid insights for a startup SEO strategy
    Insights from paid search and keyword research can guide the development of SEO strategies. By focusing on areas where a startup already has brand awareness and is converting well, they can see quicker results from their SEO efforts.
  • 07:34
    uSERPs approach to startups
    uSERP considers factors such as product-market fit to ensure long-term SEO success and avoid pivots. Startups that have raised funding and established a solid customer base often seek the agency's assistance to accelerate growth and attract more customers.
  • 09:03
    How uSERP handles midsize and enterprise clients
    uSERPs main client niches are eCommerce and SaaS, and clients with a portfolio of different websites. Their services are most effective when clients have an existing SEO team and uSERP can focus on building high-quality links and leveraging their existing content for expansion.
  • 09:49
    uSERPs service offering evolution
    uSERP has transitioned from a narrow focus on link building to provide a more comprehensive service aligned with the client's marketing department. They now act as a fractional team, developing cohesive strategies that integrate with other marketing initiatives.
  • 11:10
    When startups can expect to see SEO results
    Starting from scratch with no content on the site can take around three to four months before realistic rankings are achieved. It is recommended for startups with the budget and a six to 12-month outlook to be aggressive in their SEO efforts from the beginning.


  • "You don't need millions and millions of visitors per month to drive a successful business. You just need the right audience to hit your site on a monthly basis." -Jeremy Moser, CEO, uSERP

  • "If you build that niche authority, and you build some trust in that space, you can really capitalize on that within a six to 12-month timeframe." -Jeremy Moser, CEO, uSERP

  • "If you're starting from scratch, its probably going to be three to four months before you even see realistic rankings." -Jeremy Moser, CEO, uSERP

  • "You don't really know what works until you start doing a lot of it at scale." -Jeremy Moser, CEO, uSERP

  • "If youre a startup, you have the budget, and you have a six to 12-month outlook, be as aggressive as you can from the start, and then taper down." -Jeremy Moser, CEO, uSERP

  • "An average startup with a new site can expect results within the first three to six months. And they can expect more compounding growth beyond that, depending on their budget." -Jeremy Moser, CEO, uSERP

About the speaker

Jeremy Moser


 is a little camera shy

Jeremy is CEO of uSERP

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