Thriving as a Latina woman in a male-dominated industry — Yvette Valencia // We Do Web

Yvette Valencia, Founder and CEO of We Do Web, talks about using specialization to stand out in content marketing. Specializing in content marketing enables businesses to cultivate expertise and in-depth understanding within a specific industry or niche. This specialization fosters differentiation, a deeper understanding of client needs, and the ability to provide unique solutions that drive impactful results. Today, Yvette discusses thriving as a Latina woman in the male-dominated SEO industry.
About the speaker

Yvette Valencia

We Do Web

 is a little camera shy

Yvette is Founder and CEO of We Do Web

Show Notes

  • 02:14
    The gender bias in content production and the SEO industry
    While it isnt as severe now, when Yvette just started the business, her attorney clientele often preferred to speak to her male business partner. Furthermore, later, when her husband joined, he took on business development, becoming the face of the company.
  • 03:22
    Reasons for the gender bias in the SEO industry
    Gender bias in the SEO industry may stem from a lack of viewing women as equals, doubting their understanding and capabilities, and requiring them to constantly prove themselves. This creates a need to demonstrate your research, strategic skills, and fight harder for recognition.
  • 04:41
    Examples of gender bias in Yvettes career
    During a Zoom presentation, a male SEO interrupted Yvette's explanation of her company's method, interjecting his own opinion and approach. Similarly, while redesigning a clients website, the client consistently disregarded her insights until she involved her husband in the discussion.
  • 06:48
    Overcoming adversity and proving credibility in business relationships
    Its crucial to establish trust and see people as individuals rather than being intimidated by their professional status. By being able to showcase her years of experience and skills, Yvette demonstrates her credibility and competence in the field.
  • 09:17
    Empowering women to break into male dominated industries
    It all boils down to believing in yourself and recognizing your value. Avoid doubting your worth and place in male-dominated industries, and focus on building relationships, establishing trust, and seeing where it leads.


  • "When I first started in the business, I used to feel insecure about my clientele. They're attorneys, and I somehow felt that I wasn't at their level." -Yvette Valencia, Founder, We Do Web

  • "When I was coming up in the industry, there was no formal education around digital marketing, SEO, and social media. So I never understood why someone would feel more qualified than me." -Yvette Valencia, Founder, We Do Web

  • "Just remembering how I got to where I was helped to ground me." -Yvette Valencia, Founder, We Do Web

  • "You should never stay too long in a space where you're questioning your worth and your seat at the table." -Yvette Valencia, Founder, We Do Web

  • "It's important to know that none of us have our shit together. Everyone struggles with something, and it's just important to take that first step in trusting yourself." -Yvette Valencia, Founder, We Do Web

About the speaker

Yvette Valencia

We Do Web

 is a little camera shy

Yvette is Founder and CEO of We Do Web

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