SEO’s importance now vs. the past — Anthony May // Palo Alto Networks

Anthony May, SEO and Strategy Consultant at Palo Alto Networks, explores the intersection of AI and E-E-A-T, and the impact on Google Search. With the emergence of generative AI and the shrinking organic spots on the SERP, SEO has never been more crucial for businesses than now. However, it also presents a challenging and competitive landscape where businesses must continuously evolve their SEO strategies to secure top positions. Today, Anthony discusses SEO's importance now vs. the past
About the speaker

Anthony May

Palo Alto Networks

 - Palo Alto Networks

Anthony is SEO and Strategy Consultant at Palo Alto Networks.

Show Notes

  • 01:55
    The importance of SEO today
    With the rise of AI and consumer demand for it, Google will prioritize AI-generated above the fold, potentially causing organic results to shrink. So, companies occupying the top three spots will need to push harder to secure the number one spot to maximize CTR and organic visibility.
  • 05:53
    Embracing AI and optimizing SEO for customer needs
    As AI continues to refine its capabilities, SEO will become more precise and competitive. Focusing your SEO strategy on what customers need and optimizing for conversions will be crucial for SEO success.
  • 11:19
    Optimizing images and videos for AI and search
    Many websites fail to optimize images and videos, hindering AI systems like Google Lens. AI and advanced search technologies will struggle to learn from those pieces and deliver accurate results until these issues are addressed.
  • 14:04
    Business strategies and adaptations in the AI Driven SEO landscape
    In the AI era, with the shrinking organic space, businesses will prioritize optimizing images, videos, and page speed for better search rankings. Some may remove paywalls to attract more customers and improve search result positions.


  • "As SEOs, we want that one, two, or three spot. Reason why? That's above the fold. And if we're above the fold, we have a much greater percent of people actually clicking than we do when we're 9, 10, 12, 14." - Anthony May

  • "The SEO game is now really stepped up. And those companies that are two or three, really have to push hard to try to get to that number one spot." - Anthony May

  • "With AI coming in and being such a hot topic, and a want for consumers, Google is going to recognize this and have not much of a choice but to go ahead and put it at the top of the SERP." - Anthony May

  • "Making that funnel as concrete as possible so conversions can actually come through? I don't think you're going to run away from that." - Anthony May

  • "If we always take into consideration what the customer needs and optimize for that, we're going to have a real hard time not getting conversions not actually giving the customer exactly what they need." - Anthony May

About the speaker

Anthony May

Palo Alto Networks

 - Palo Alto Networks

Anthony is SEO and Strategy Consultant at Palo Alto Networks.

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