Is Link Building Still Important in 2022? — Zac Almeida // The SEO Hustler

CEO of The SEO Hustler, Zac Almeida, talks about link building. Google has gotten better at understanding natural language processing and topical authority. However, links still remain Google’s definitive way to assess website value. Today, Zac explores whether link building is still important in 2022.
About the speaker

Zac Almeida

The SEO Hustler

 is a little camera shy

Zac is CEO of SEO Hustler

Show Notes

  • 01:54
    The importance of links in 2022
    Building semantic links, and acquiring external, semantically relevant links are extremely important. Especially with websites that have topical authority on topics you wish to rank for.
  • 03:34
    Why links matter if Google can assess authority
    Backlinks are Googles definitive way to assess the value of a website. Backlinks are naturally acquired by websites ranking on the first page.
  • 05:18
    Why Google wont be able to ignore links
    More precision is needed in natural language processing. Social signs can easily be created and dont give a true indication of a sites quality. Backlinks will continue to be prioritized.
  • 06:37
    Link building tips for SEOs
    There are a lot of new ways to assess backlinks. As SEO, we need to stay ahead of search engines and their link building developments.
  • 07:50
    Advice for business owners
    SEO is a holistic approach to marketing. Ensure your site is fast and functions well. Build your links, content, products, and website experience.


  • "Today, Google ignores spammy backlinks that are spammy and backlinks from websites known for selling links. You need to work on your link building strategy. It's extremely powerful when done well." -Zac Almeida, CEO, The SEO Hustler

  • "If you build semantic relevant links, and acquire links from relevant websites, with topical authority, on topics you want to rank for, you will benefit a lot." -Zac Almeida, CEO, The SEO Hustler

  • "Google has improved at assessing content, topical authority, and natural language processing. But, there is no definitive way of assessing the value of a website that doesn't include links." -Zac Almeida, CEO, The SEO Hustler

  • "Websites on the first page will acquire backlinks naturally. That's how Google assesses if a website is good enough to be there. How many backlinks is the website acquiring by having the top 3 positions?" -Zac Almeida, CEO, The SEO Hustler

  • "If you acquire a backlink from the New York Times, you will attract a lot of link equity. It will pass a lot of link authority and your page will probably rank." -Zac Almeida, CEO, The SEO Hustler

  • "How do you assess a website's popularity without looking at links? You might use social signs, but those are easily created and they don't 100% indicate the value and quality of content." -Zac Almeida, CEO, The SEO Hustler

  • "I don't see Google changing in the near future or the next 3, 4, or 5 years. We would need to have a paradigm shift on search in order for Google and other search engines to stop caring about backlinks." -Zac Almeida, CEO, The SEO Hustler

  • "It's important for us to stay on top of what search engines are doing to understand the best way to build links, the best type of content, and how to structure content." -Zac Almeida, CEO, The SEO Hustler

  • "SEO is a very holistic marketing approach. You don't have a silver bullet in SEO. So, build your links, work on your content, website experience, etc,. And, I'm 100% sure youll have success." -Zac Almeida, CEO, The SEO Hustler

About the speaker

Zac Almeida

The SEO Hustler

 is a little camera shy

Zac is CEO of SEO Hustler

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