Data’s role in your content strategy — Shae Bourdeaux // Vivint Smart Home

Shae Bourdeaux, Senior Manager of SEO at Vivint Smart Home, explores optimizing digital content strategy with UX, SEO, and data metrics. Vivent's unique content approach places data at the forefront, letting it lead the storytelling process. This method distinguishes it from traditional content strategies that often incorporate data as a secondary element. Today, Shae discusses data's role in your content strategy.
About the speaker

Shae Bourdeaux

Vivint Smart Home

 is a little camera shy

Shae is Senior Manager of SEO at Vivint Smart Home

Show Notes

  • 03:27
    Datas role in your content strategy
    During the consumer research process, data-backed content stands out. Vivents content approach involves surveying at least 1000 respondents to create an internal data set, which is then analyzed by the data analysts for key insights.
  • 05:19
    Vivents use of data for storytelling and improving user experience
    Vivint's content strategy focuses on trending topics that align with their target audience's interests. They conduct surveys to gather data, which becomes the foundation for their content, prioritizing data-driven storytelling and improving UX through data visualization with graphics.
  • 07:31
    Leveraging data backed content for SEO success and outreach
    Data-supported content can lead to visibility in platforms like Google Discover as Google rewards content backed by data. It can also attract news outlets to use your datasets, leading to domain authority boosting backlinks, and secure top positions in generative search.
  • 10:24
    Examples of Vivents surveys
    Vivent conducted a survey on Airbnb rentals, focusing on the misuse of properties. They asked participants about inviting more guests than allowed and whether there should be age restrictions, providing insights into guest behavior and rule-breaking.


  • "People can go find similar information all across the web when they're doing their research journey. But what really speaks volumes is when you can back that up by data." - Shae Bourdeaux

  • "We use the data to tell the story and not vice versa. In a lot of the pieces we publish, you'll see that the data is front and center." - Shae Bourdeaux

  • "Data is probably one of the best indicators of a strong source. Supporting storytelling with data boosts your chance for top rankings in this new world of generative search." - Shae Bourdeaux

  • "When something is backed by data, and it has the supporting information that's there, Google rewards that and sees the value in it." - Shae Bourdeaux

About the speaker

Shae Bourdeaux

Vivint Smart Home

 is a little camera shy

Shae is Senior Manager of SEO at Vivint Smart Home

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