Determining what metrics to track — Shae Bourdeaux // Vivint Smart Home

Shae Bourdeaux, Senior Manager of SEO at Vivint Smart Home, explores optimizing digital content strategy with UX, SEO, and data metrics. If Google is unable to crawl the pages of your website, you won’t be able to drive the traffic and conversions you seek. So, while metrics like keyword rankings, traffic, and revenue are crucial, crawling, rendering, and indexing are crucial components to optimize first as they influence everything down the funnel. Today, Shae discusses determining which metrics to track
About the speaker

Shae Bourdeaux

Vivint Smart Home

 is a little camera shy

Shae is Senior Manager of SEO at Vivint Smart Home

Show Notes

  • 03:10
    How to determine what metrics to track
    It's crucial to begin with the technical fundamentals of crawling, rendering, and indexing. Focusing on Google's crawl stats report within GSC provides valuable insights into crawl request patterns, average response times, and other critical performance indicators.
  • 07:35
    Optimizing page speed for Google bots
    Google recommends an average response time of 200 milliseconds, although this can vary depending on the site. If response times exceed this threshold, potential culprits may include JavaScript issues, which could be addressed using dynamic rendering solutions.
  • 10:06
    Improving technical SEO metrics for downstream SEO impact
    Optimizing crawling, rendering, and indexing enables increased page indexing, keyword rankings, and improved traffic and conversions. These technical improvements are compelling for development teams as they directly translate into improved performance and conversions.


  • "Google has said your average response time should be around 200 milliseconds. If something spikes above that, go investigate and see why it's going above that." - Shae Bourdeaux

  • "Any company or site that's trying to do SEO the right way must have a good technical roadmap in place. But most importantly, they need to be looking at the right metrics." - Shae Bourdeaux

  • "If Google bot spikes above that 200 milliseconds, it could be JavaScript issues, which a dynamic rendering solution could help as far as bringing that average response time down." - Shae Bourdeaux

  • "If Google is struggling to crawl your page, it wont be able to return that page, and you wont be able to drive the traffic and the overall conversion that you're looking for." - Shae Bourdeaux

  • "Once we have crawling, rendering, and indexing metrics in place, we can index more pages and rank for previously unattainable keywords." - Shae Bourdeaux

About the speaker

Shae Bourdeaux

Vivint Smart Home

 is a little camera shy

Shae is Senior Manager of SEO at Vivint Smart Home

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