Tyson Stockton

- Part 1 What Search data is relevant for market insights
- Part 2Understanding demand using search volume
- Part 3Understanding historical trends using keyword data
- Part 4Outperforming your competitor using ranking data
- Part 5Learning your consumer intent through SERP data
Show Notes
? 01:52Defining market insights and search data? 03:14 -Data sets that make great signals to understand the mindset of the consumer and the competitive landscape
“Historically, search data has been looked at as a very tactical lens of where do we need to compete in this given keyword and lived within the SEO and PPC community but it hasnt really infiltrated across the organization.” -Tyson
“Byunderstanding how people are searching, how they are querying, how the search demand is evolving on different terms, youre understanding really valuable insights into an industry that may be more media and also a lot of times, cheaper than the traditional medium and ways.” -Tyson
“The first and most obvious is understanding market demand for a given group of keyword or category or products. By understanding how many people are searching or seeking that information, its a great proxy into the overall interest of that product.” -Tyson
“There are two important things to think about there. One is user keyword data and thats valuable in itself. Two, using Googles interaction or interpretation of a given keyword is also a good signal. Google does tons ofconsumer research and obviously has more data than anybody, so understanding the experience that they are presenting to the users is incredibly valuable in understanding intent, demand, functionality.” -Ben
“We are using the Searchmetrics cloud-based data in the sense that we have this billion keyword set and then by querying through that and finding all the related terms, within a given category, were able to define what the overarching demand is.” -Tyson
“A lot of times people will look at individual keywords and use that as a proxy for it but theyre ignoring the different variants and clusters to it. So one thing that we do is, well look at clustering all the keywords within a given category.” -Tyson
“By combining the search demand aspect of that data set with also a ranking data of who owns what within that, and then a third piece of also how Google is interpreting that. The intent of those keywords, what SERP integrations are present is another window into how Google is interpreting it. That gives you a clue on how to compete within those groups or categories.” -Tyson
“Whenever you are embarking in a new area or looking for the most macro lens, using that broad data sets is going to be the most valuable. The next thing to look at is, who is ranking on what terms and then applying things like, our SEO visibility or market share.” -Tyson
“There are a variety of ways that you can use search data that we are all thinking about, of how do I get my content to rank, to have value for your business outside of the traditional SEO metrics. Youre able to think about how much demand there is for your product, what are the historical trends, understanding where you fit in the competitive landscape, and you are also able to understand your consumer.” -Ben
“I think search data can be used at all levels in any organization because it is like a window into the mind of the consumer, of how they are interacting, how they are digesting information, how they are seeking help and information and the most common is those that are at the grassroots level.” -Tyson
“This is something that can go all the way up to the C-level group. How you are using that data is what changes at the different levels. On a more tactical level, you might be looking at it in the sense of like, what content recommendations do I need in this specific topic for this individual URL, or how many opportunities do I have so I can use it as a forecast for my SEO roadmap.” -Tyson
- Part 1 What Search data is relevant for market insights
- Part 2Understanding demand using search volume
- Part 3Understanding historical trends using keyword data
- Part 4Outperforming your competitor using ranking data
- Part 5Learning your consumer intent through SERP data
Tyson Stockton

Up Next:
Part 1What Search data is relevant for market insights
Part 2Understanding demand using search volume
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Part 3Understanding historical trends using keyword data
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Part 4Outperforming your competitor using ranking data
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Part 5Learning your consumer intent through SERP data
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