Tyson Stockton

- Part 1What Search data is relevant for market insights
- Part 2Understanding demand using search volume
- Part 3Understanding historical trends using keyword data
- Part 4 Outperforming your competitor using ranking data
- Part 5Learning your consumer intent through SERP data
Show Notes
? 01:59Understanding your competitive set and figuring out where you stand? 03:58 -Understanding true demand and filtering out for whose brand has better SEO
“I would say that this is the more comfort zone of it. The previous topics that we had, we are talking more on a macro lens, demand, the connection to larger business decisions is a bit easier there. But I would say, the competitor data is a great tool for understanding market potential, what you can achieve within your segment.” -Tyson
“By segmenting the competitors of who owns what within that and where you can realistically compete, it is going to be a great way to build into your forecast.” -Tyson
“Heres my big concern with using search data to understand the competitive balance within the industry. My fear is that companies are going to look at, “Well, Nike has this much search traffic and Adidas has that much search traffic to their domain, so Nike must be bigger than Adidas or Adidas must be bigger than Nike. And to me that only really tells you, a. How good an SEO works in-house, how much they have invested in content, and how much people value their brand.” -Ben
“The biggest kind of miss is oftentimes missed opportunity because people treat it as just one size. But really where you candrive a lot more value is when you start creating buckets within that.” -Tyson
“The opportunity within the competitor set is moving beyond just who owns what percent of the overall and starting to move towards how that compares to your business and that is going to be different with a B2B, B2C companies.” -Tyson
“I think that there is some nuance here and that for a competitive analysis you cannot necessarily just look at the overall search volume, you have to think of it in a couple of different categories. Youre looking at the amount of brand search that is happening, I think thats a good way to understand the competitive landscape, the total amount of content one brand has compared to the other, and obviously how those brands rank.” -Ben
“I think the playbook here is that you think about brand search. Understand how much consumers are looking for the specific brand and then you have to break up the overall keyword set into how much is this brand taking in terms of research, product consideration, and then the conversion page. Its breaking down where the consumers are in the buying journey will help you understand not only the volume that your competitors are getting but also where customers are engaging with your competitors.” -Ben
“I think thats where you apply your own unique business element to it. When you get to the more informational head terms, that is where you are going to be able to identify potential new partners, people that may be taking up space in the SERP but may not be adirect threat to your business and thats where I think having that segmentation is going to help you differentiate.” -Tyson
“Its an important point that when you are doing your competitive analysis and you are understanding where there is an overlap between your keywords and your competitors, they not actually all competitors. It does help you understand potential collaborations.” -Ben
“Within the competitors area, its interesting to look at a few different layers to it. Understanding things like the number of ranking keywords, the number of ranking URLs, also what kind of market share, what traffic of the overall pie that they are capturing, thats another interesting layer to who owns what.” -Tyson
“Similar to what we are saying of how you can segment out your competitors, segmenting out also different KPIs of the competitors is a really helpful way to understand where additional opportunities might exist.” -Tyson
- Part 1What Search data is relevant for market insights
- Part 2Understanding demand using search volume
- Part 3Understanding historical trends using keyword data
- Part 4 Outperforming your competitor using ranking data
- Part 5Learning your consumer intent through SERP data
Tyson Stockton

Up Next:
Part 1What Search data is relevant for market insights
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Part 2Understanding demand using search volume
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Part 3Understanding historical trends using keyword data
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Part 4Outperforming your competitor using ranking data
Part 5Learning your consumer intent through SERP data
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