How Conductor integrates acqusitions — Seth Besmertnik // Conductor

Seth Besmertnik, Founder and CEO at Conductor, talks about a major acquisition in the enterprise SEO space. Successful integrations require careful planning, communication, and a focus on cultural alignment. Searchmetrics is Conductor’s second acquisition in 13 months, and they are applying lessons learned from their previous acquisition of ContentKing to make the transition as seamless as possible. Today, Seth discusses how Conductor integrates acquisitions.
About the speaker

Seth Besmertnik


 - Conductor

Seth is Founder and CEO at Conductor

Show Notes

  • 02:11
    Conductor's plan for integrating Searchmetrics
    Conductor plans to maintain the same support team and product for Searchmetrics customers while finding ways to provide more value. In the long term, they will incorporate Searchmetrics' technology and engineering team into the platform for a better experience on a unified platform.
  • 04:53
    Transitioning Searchmetrics customers to the Conductor platform
    Eventually, all customers will be moved to the Conductor product, and the product will include some Searchmetrics technology in the near future. Ultimately, customers will be moved to the Conductor product at different times, based on what's best for them.
  • 07:31
    Merging Conductor and Searchmetrics teams
    There will be less redundancy in the merging of the teams due to Searchmetrics being a lean organization and having different functions in Europe. CS team members from Searchmetrics will eventually join the Conductor team as customers move over to the Conductor platform.
  • 09:04
    Conductors future plans to leverage the Searchmetrics brand
    Conductor plans to eventually phase out the Searchmetrics brand and operate under one unified brand. They may use the Searchmetrics brand as a sub-brand in certain cases, but the ultimate goal is to have one brand for the company.
  • 10:31
    Addressing equity and shareholders in the Conductor Searchmetrics acquisition
    While this information is currently confidential, it has been confirmed that many shareholders from Searchmetrics will have shares in Conductor.
  • 11:14
    Lessons from ContentKing acquisition and their relevance for future acquisitions
    Conductor's acquisition of ContentKing highlighted the importance of in-person relationship building as a foundation for virtual collaboration. Theyve applied this to the Searchmetrics acquisition to facilitate better relationships and a smoother transition between teams.


  • "We're going to be able to take some of the Searchmetrics IP, data, technology, and the engineering team and incorporate that into the Conductor platform over the next 18 to 24 months." -Seth Besmertnik, Founder, Conductor

  • "A year from now, the Conductor product is going to include some of the technology from Searchmetrics." -Seth Besmertnik, Founder, Conductor

  • "Sometime in the next 12 to 24 months, it'll be completely one harmonious organization. And this notion of customers that are on one product or the other product will go away." -Seth Besmertnik, Founder, Conductor

  • "When you bring in any two teams or groups of people together, don't underestimate the power of forming a foundation that's an in-person relationship." -Seth Besmertnik, Founder, Conductor

About the speaker

Seth Besmertnik


 - Conductor

Seth is Founder and CEO at Conductor

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