SEO Team management & learning management — Victor Karpenko // SeoProfy

Victor Karpenko, CEO of SEOProfy, discusses SEO decision-making. SEOProfy has spent years developing a learning management catalog to educate team members on the different ways to think about SEO. As SEO is forever evolving, when creating an SEO team, it’s ideal to find team members that not only have the technical skills but are also coachable, results-oriented, and have an aptitude to learn new skills. Today, Victor talks about SEO team management and learning management.
About the speaker

Victor Karpenko


 is a little camera shy

Victor is CEO of SEOProfy

Show Notes

  • 02:10
    Training teams on processes and how to move quickly
    If the team you desire is fast on processes, learns quickly, and is results-oriented, during hiring, look at their soft skills to determine if they fit the companys values. Then, its about data aggregation for decision-making and execution.
  • 03:15
    Values to look at when trying to find trainable team members
    SEOProfy has five values that it likes to use. These include result orientation, maturity, improvement, respect for difference, and speed. Before hiring, HR tests applicants on these values and grades them.
  • 04:19
    Balancing process
    It all depends on the strategy for the project and on the teams. Ideally, the SEO Team Lead will be responsible for leading the strategy but they still need people that will execute tasks as quickly as possible when given.
  • 05:12
    The learning management process
    SEOProfy has a learning management system with materials and education for each level of SEO. From onboarding, benchmarks are set up in terms of what theyre expected to learn and know at each of the stages.
  • 06:55
    Educating and managing advanced employees
    Education never ends for SEOs. However, the ones that deliver good results can become partners, managers, OEMs, or co-owners of the project. They can even start a niche agency.
  • 08:12
    SEOProfys goals for the future
    SEOProfy is considering opening a school in the future to teach a curriculum based on its learning management system. A clearer goal for them is to grow the company to three and a half thousand people.


  • "If we want people to be fast, learn quickly, be motivated and result-oriented, we don't look at hard skills. We just look at soft skills, how the person is, is the person actually a fit for our company." -Victor Karpenko, CEO, SEOProfy

  • "Our company has five values that we like to use. The first one is result orientation, then maturity, improvement, respect for difference, and speed." -Victor Karpenko, CEO, SEOProfy

  • "When we don't know how to solve some problems, we just hire paid consulting from people who've been there and know how to solve this problem. We just pay for consulting, learn it fast and implement." -Victor Karpenko, CEO, SEOProfy

  • "I have a clear goal to grow our company to three and a half thousand people." -Victor Karpenko, CEO, SEOProfy

About the speaker

Victor Karpenko


 is a little camera shy

Victor is CEO of SEOProfy

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