How to continue to optimize for search over the long haul — Doug Bell // Searchmetrics

Show Notes

  • ? 02:24
    Keeping the momentum moving forward
    ? 03:23 -Breaking up the website and not launching content all at once


  • “Im very happy. Things went smoothly as they could and its the beginning of a process. Wetalked about how we need to understand that this is a product and also an agile implementation.” -Doug

  • “As much as I felt like the website needed to do a better job representing who we are, our expertise and our ability to help our client, that was a big enough impetus honestly for me. At the end of the day, the way to get past what really is a fairly big website and manage that risk, if you will, is to look at the website as a product with multiple faces to it.” -Doug

  • “As we approach the knowledge center of what we are doing, thats more of a content exercise. The design piece is super important, we talk about user experience and how good we were at integrating our digital strategies group and SEO experts within that team to make sure that the user experience and SEO bounce each other well to a high-performing page.” -Doug

  • “Its not just a design exercise, its a content migration exercise. Its a profound one. So why would we break it up? Well, because each section of a website typically requires different skillsets and disciplines.” -Doug

  • “Im not trying to be glib but we could have done a much better job at content creation editing piece. I think that we could be crisper in terms of that so its going to be a big lesson going forward.” -Doug

  • “Ithink we can do better and the reason why I think that is because we still dont have the site that fully represents content efficiency or optimization in the ways that it needs to.” -Doug

  • “We have to show the brand. We have to show our capabilities and power through this next iteration of content. This is the big climb because so much of our SEO visibility is driven by our knowledge center, our blog, and our glossary.” -Doug

  • “Dont assume you have the internal resources to do this. Again, we were able to lean on a lot of our own internal units from an expertise standpoint but you dont just have great product and project managers laying around the office. Go find experts.” -Doug

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