Ecomm Study Overview — Patty Johnson // Searchmetrics
Patty Johnson

- Part 1 Ecomm Study Overview — Patty Johnson // Searchmetrics
- Part 2Ecomm Study: Apparel — Patty Johnson // Searchmetrics
- Part 3Ecomm Study: Electronics — Patty Johnson // Searchmetrics
- Part 4Ecomm Study: Health — Patty Johnson // Searchmetrics
- Part 5Ecomm Study: Sporting Goods, Furniture, DYI — Patty Johnson // Searchmetrics
Show Notes
02:06Overview of Searchmetrics 2021 studyThe second edition study is an online market analysis covering eight sectors of online retailers. Organic search growth and emerging industry leaders were tracked.
03:07eCommerce habitsPeople are still doing a lot of online shopping. The searches are becoming more specific and include more industries now.
03:53How the study was conductedAlong with the Searchmetrics Suite, robust data sets were used to help with finding compilation. Anyone with access to the Searchmetrics Suite can produce this information.
05:03How search volume was usedThe study looked at and grouped 10,000 keywords together to get the full picture of user interaction with online retail industry players.
05:47Searchmetrics takeaways from the studyAmazon still holds the number one spot for almost all domains. But there were small shifts in market share. The study is ongoing to see how domains move up in rank as time progresses.
07:19Cost per clickCPC remained the same or increased across all sectors. Companies are using both PPC ads, and SEO to increase visibility.
08:24Increased competition and the rising costs of CPCsPeople have moved from being purchase driven to more information driven. Combining information within product pages with search terms can assist with ranking.
10:15eCeCommerce winnersBrick and mortar companies involved in eCommerce prior to the pandemic are doing well. Theres a gap that media outlets seem to be filling with their emphasis on producing information first.
"There's some interesting findings on which categories have grown the most. Some have tripled in growth, and some have grown a little. But its on the upswing." -Patty Johnson, Sr. Content Marketing Manager, Searchmetrics
"We started with different, very focused, keyword terms, and grouped those together; 10,000 keywords in total. We feel like that is a good compilation of the industry." -Patty Johnson, Sr. Content Marketing Manager, Searchmetrics
"Cost per click either stood flat or increased across all sectors. When it increased, it was around 20 to 25%." -Patty Johnson, Sr. Content Marketing Manager, Searchmetrics
"Amazon has market share in organic search. But they are also paying out money for those paid search terms." -Patty Johnson, Sr. Content Marketing Manager, Searchmetrics
"In 2019, a majority of the searches were purchase driven. In 2021, we're seeing that people are looking for information first." -Patty Johnson, Sr. Content Marketing Manager, Searchmetrics
"Along with search terms, combining information within your product page can help you rank since there is a high volume for informational searches." -Patty Johnson, Sr. Content Marketing Manager, Searchmetrics
"What we are seeing in terms of the more traditional brick and mortar stores is the companies that are eCommerce first are doing better." -Patty Johnson, Sr. Content Marketing Manager, Searchmetrics
"Media outlets are producing information first instead of product and product pages. People are looking for this. So theyre the only ones ranking." -Patty Johnson, Sr. Content Marketing Manager, Searchmetrics
- Part 1 Ecomm Study Overview — Patty Johnson // Searchmetrics
- Part 2Ecomm Study: Apparel — Patty Johnson // Searchmetrics
- Part 3Ecomm Study: Electronics — Patty Johnson // Searchmetrics
- Part 4Ecomm Study: Health — Patty Johnson // Searchmetrics
- Part 5Ecomm Study: Sporting Goods, Furniture, DYI — Patty Johnson // Searchmetrics
Up Next:
Part 1Ecomm Study Overview — Patty Johnson // Searchmetrics
Searchmetrics’ Senior Content Marketing Manager, Patty Johnson, kicks off the week talking about what’s going on in eCommerce SEO. Consumers are engaging in more research before purchasing. If your pages lack the information customers are seeking, they are liable to shop elsewhere. Today, Patty shares an overview of Searchmetrics’ 2021 study findings.
Part 2Ecomm Study: Apparel — Patty Johnson // Searchmetrics
Patty Johnson, Senior Content Marketing Manager at Searchmetrics, continues to talk about Searchmetrics’ eCommerce study findings. Countries are reopening borders and easing lock downs. Plus, winter is coming. People are going to need clothes and they’ll be looking for them online. Today, Patty discusses the apparel industry and eCommerce SEO.
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Part 3Ecomm Study: Electronics — Patty Johnson // Searchmetrics
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Part 4Ecomm Study: Health — Patty Johnson // Searchmetrics
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Part 5Ecomm Study: Sporting Goods, Furniture, DYI — Patty Johnson // Searchmetrics
Searchmetrics’ Senior Content Marketing Manager, Patty Johnson, shares the findings on other industries increasing in search volume. With more time at home, people are indulging their hobbies. DIY is on the rise and people are searching for online tutorials now more than ever before. Today, Patty discusses the industries meeting the information needs of consumers.
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